Translations Verbatim

We provide quality translation services to international corporations and individuals. All work is performed by professional translators and editors. 

Our speciality: German to English. Financial statements, legal documents, accounting and financial records, administrative papers, immigration documents, genealogy, travel, human resources.

Additional services related to translations or interpreting:

  • Our unique Verbatim ReportSM that outlines the nuances of the document in question - automatically provided at no charge, but can opt out.
  • German: Fraktur, Gothic, both no surcharge, and old cursive, with surcharge and slower turnaround time
  • Certification of translation
  • Notarized documents
  • Apostille services
  • "Improved" translations, i.e., if document in target language needs to be better than the original - e.g. marketing
  • Documents written, not translated, for your business or hobby
  • Multiple professionally printed copies of a translated document

Languages offered through our qualified subcontractors. Subject to availability. Albanian, Arabic, Czech, French, German (engineering, English to German), Haitian Creole, Hakka, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Mandarin, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Taiwanese, Urdu, Yiddish.

Please contact us for a quote. If standard German to English, financial, administrative, legal, genealogy, or personal, our rates are as follows, with number of words calculated based on English translation, approximately 450 words per page:

  • Financial (financial statements with footnotes, memoranda, procedure guides, processes): $0.25/word, minimum 2000 words.
  • Administrative (HR, employee manuals, memoranda, business documents, office management): $0.25/word, minimum 2000 words. Does not include sales and marketing, operations, or engineering.
  • Legal (briefs, lawsuits, pleadings, correspondence, immigration documents such as birth-wedding-divorce-death certificates): $0.35/word, minimum 5000 words). Does not include highly technical documents, such as engineering specs or IT disputes.
  • Genealogy (family trees, birth-wedding-divorce death certificates not for legal purposes, family correspondence), word-processed or typewritten only: $0.15/word, minimum 1000 words. Fraktur that is in printed book is no extra charge. For additional genealogy services, check out our Finding Family page!
  • Genealogy, same as above, but handwritten: $0.20/word, minimum 10,000 words, unless the old cursive is very legible.
  • Personal (correspondence, recipes, you know what I'm talking about), word-processed or typewritten only: $0.15/word, minimum 1000 words. Handwritten: Contact for quote. Depends on legibility of handwriting.

Please note that we do not consider our translations – whether done by me personally or by a subcontractor – as “work for hire.” The translations will come with a stipulation in the Statement of Work that subsequent use requires our permission and if applicable, a license agreement.

This is the way copyright law views translations, but too many translators lose “control” over their work and wind up in court. Up front, know that usage of the translation will be clearly defined in the SOW, along with remuneration for your subsequent use of the document.

This does not apply to the vast majority of translations, because it’s for informational purposes at a specific point in time.